Proof positive. Sometimes all you need is a second set of eyes…

We all know there are times when you’ve sent out a document or showed a draft to your colleagues before it was ready for prime time. You should have shown it to someone, an experienced proofreader or editor, but you didn’t think there were any problems or didn’t have the time.
This is why we offer our clients a remarkably inexpensive proofreading service. To help you find the typo, grammatical error or, most importantly, to identify issues with the clarity and flow of the text you’ve written. It’s well more than what your word processing can do for you.
How much do we charge for proofreading? Just $5 per double-spaced page, $10 per single-spaced page – to read your document and give you detailed typewritten notes, inside Word and/or in a separate document with line number references – subject to a minimum charge of just $25. And you don’t pay us until after the job is done to your satisfaction, because all the work we do for our clients is “satisfaction guaranteed.”
In no small way, your income and reputation depend upon the quality of the materials you write and share with your coworkers, employers and with customers and other outsiders. Is it worth taking the time for us be the second set of eyes that reads your document? Absolutely. You’ve got too much at stake not to.
Give us call, evenings and weekends included. 433-621-3880. If you get voice mail, leave a message that you need proofreading and we’ll get back quickly to protect your delivery schedule.