If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve come here from the Baltimore Post-Examiner. Welcome to Writeaway!
A great many of our client relationships begin with new clients giving us documents they’ve already written or have had written for them by someone else. Could be important new material or an older piece in need of an update.
“So, what do you think?” they ask us. And that’s when we get to work. We read what they’ve given us and think about it. What’s the objective of the piece? Who is the audience? What style and tone works best for this specific client – in this particular case? What, exactly, does our client want to accomplish?
With all that in mind, we make detailed notes on changes we recommend to improve the document’s overall quality and effectiveness. We give those notes to the client and answer any questions he or she may have. What happens next, more often than not, is that the client likes what we had to say and hires us to either re-write the original or write another piece from scratch.
For a limited time and only for readers of the Baltimore Post-Examiner, if you’re a prospective new client for our writing and editing services, we have a special offer. For non-technical documents of 2500 words – roughly 10 typed pages – or less, we’ll review that document and give you our detailed comments and suggestions for free. We’ll do it to prove our point, that we make our client’s written materials better and significantly more effective at accomplishing their objectives.
Interested? All you need to do is give us a call (443-844-3160) or send us an email to Contact@Writeaway. We’ll talk briefly about what you need and get started on the free review we’re offering you.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you! In the meantime, feel free to click on the “Home” button on the menu bar to learn more about the writing and editing services we offer.
As always, all communication with our clients, even the fact that they are our clients, is strictly confidential.